• 00:02
  • Thursday ,02 May 2019

Christ has risen

By-Samia Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,02 May 2019

Christ has risen

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the secret of true joy. All the writings of the Gospel and the New Testament are based on the Resurrection that gave meaning and value to our lives.

Thus, Pope Tawadros II told us in his article Resurrection is our joy said that Resurrection gave humanity true joy and satisfaction. Jesus said:  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. Therefore, they were happy to see him after the resurrection: After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
Humanity has not grown to perfection yet just like mother Teresa said that houses grow bigger but families grew smaller, medicine developed just like illnesses, funds increased but charity became less, security was found unlike peace of mind, knowledge increased and wisdom became less.
Through resurrection, man found the meaningful life. The church celebrates resurrection of Jesus Christ every day in the morning and every week on Sunday, every Coptic month on the 29th day, and for 50 days after the resurrection feast. Lets pray to enjoy his resurrection and feel the Godly miraculous love revealed in it.