• 19:10
  • Thursday ,21 March 2019

No to black terror

By-Ayman Mounir

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,21 March 2019

No to black terror

When we provide evidence that Christians have no hand at all in the events of terrorism, this is not a sign of weakness, but rather to demonstrate to the extremists that Chrsitianity teaches us love since God is love. I wonder about those who believe that God has ordered people to kill and hate like Wagdi Ghoniem, Borhami, Qaradawy, Mohamed Hassan and Howainy, who offend the faith that they preach since they only speak evil.

God asked David, in both the Bible and Quraan, to judge fairly among the people. Then it is the job of people in charge to be fair in order to avoid punishment of God. However, the biggest challenge lies before the teachers and clergy who instruct other people.
What happens in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Egypt from time to time to innocent people by other people convinced that killing others is fine and helps pleasing God and speeding their faith! 
The truth is that our clergy have never incited hatred or killing of other people. On the contrary, we ask and pray for peace and love. Therefore, we ask the state to encourage renewal of religious discourse, and to punish those who incite hatred and never cares for the homeland, its unity and progress.