• 23:36
  • Thursday ,24 January 2019

Delight yourself also in the Lord

By-Samia Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,24 January 2019

Delight yourself also in the Lord

The Holy Fathers lived a life of pleasure in the Lord, enjoying the divine grace. Their trust in the Lord and the hope in Him were limitless for they have put their trust in the Lord.Yet, how can we get like them to enjoy ourselves in the Lord?

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II in his sermon entitled ‘Delight in the Lord’ explains to us examples of biblical characters who delighted themselves in the Lord like Father Abraham who was an example of relying on the Lord in everything. Thus, he believed in the promise of the Lord that he will get a son in his old age. He believed that man should ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding’ (Proverbs 3: 5)
The second model is Job the righteous who was a man of old and was tested by losing everything. Yet, he believed that the Lord is able to solve the problem knowing that nothing is too hard for the Lord.
The third model is Solomon the king who received wisdom from God as well as riches and power. His father Kind David knew God and loved Him from all his heart.
His Holiness of the Pope gives us three ways to help us to enjoy the Lord through time that we should manage wisely, repentance that we should offer to get rid of all sins, and love which is the greatest commandment. Lets open our hearts to enjoy God.