• 08:50
  • Wednesday ,05 December 2018

Presidential amnesty for Girgis

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,05 December 2018

Presidential amnesty for Girgis

In 2016, the Egyptian President formed a presidential committee composed of five members, without any Coptic members. The Committee decided who deserves presidential amnesty. The committee should be linked to the human rights committee of the parliament, but in fact it doesn t.

Coptic MPs should have completed to join the committee to express problems and pains of the Copts. Yet, they claim they care when Copts face a calamity, but in fact they take no action to prove they care. On the other hand, the Salafi MPs rush to join this committee to support their friends in prisons. 
Some Christians received presidential amnesty, but we have to ask what about Girgis Baromi and others in prison whose religion led them to it. Why the anger of Coptic MP Margit Azer raised to solve the problem of street dogs, but moved no muscle to save the rights of Mr. Baromi! The Coptic MPs are doing nothing at the time criminals and members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group are getting amnesty!
Girgis is a victim who was taken from the street to prison on charges of rape and the only witness was the girl. The  scene of the crime, according to the girl, was the same street where he was arrested by her family! Girgis was bold enough to walk in the same street at the same day fearing nobody till he was caught by the girl s family. It is known that families of the raped girls usually punish the defendant and his families, not to mention he is a Christian. Yet, in this case the girl s family were generous enough not to attack him or his family!
Girgis according to the medical report has a complete sexual impotence, and another medical report confirmed before the court that the girl was not assaulted. Furthermore, the girl s statement contradicted with statements of her family since they didn t have much time to save it by heart! The court sentenced Girgis to 15 years in prison and prevented his lawyer from attending the hearing of the assaulted girl!!!
The reason for such disorder, was to make balance at the time of sentencing members of the Muslim Brotherhood to prison. Now, many criminals are out of prison and the wronged man is still suffering. Moreover, the Coptic MP are silent, but God won t be for longer time.
Girgis and other oppressed remaining in the prisons is a rough justice. It is an unjust rule repeated every day. We ask God knowing he will respond, but we demand you to do your job before God intervenes. Then, you will receive punishment for ignoring the crying voices calling for justice.