• 00:40
  • Thursday ,22 November 2018

Egypt to host 12th round of Egyptian-Russian joint committee in April


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Thursday ,22 November 2018

Egypt to host 12th round of Egyptian-Russian joint committee in April

Egypt will host mid-April 2019 the 12th round of the Egyptian-Russian joint committee for trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation, Minister of Trade and Industry Amr Nassar said during extended talks with Russian Minister of Trade and Industry Denis Manturov in Moscow.

The meetings will be held under the auspices of the trade ministers of both countries and will take up means of bolstering cooperation between Egypt and Russia in the fields of trade, industry, health, tourism, education, information technology, customs, agriculture, transportation, energy and investment.
The talks tackled furthering cooperation in the economic domain during the coming phase and mechanisms and timelines set for various projects.
Nassar said that a Russian mission is to visit Egypt in December during the Intra-African Trade Fair 2019.
The mission will hold meetings with senior figures in government and the private sector to discuss investment opportunities in the Russian industrial zone to be established in the Suez Canal Zone (SCZone), he said.