• 00:03
  • Tuesday ,13 November 2018

EU-Egypt partnership agreement to be fully applied in 2019: Trade and industry ministry


Home News


Tuesday ,13 November 2018

EU-Egypt partnership agreement to be fully applied in 2019: Trade and industry ministry

Trade and Industry Minister Amr Nassar reiterated the government s commitment to fully apply the partnership agreement with the European Union as of next year especially as regards customs duties levied on imported European cars.

Nassar was expounding the ministry s working plan at the Economic Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives.
Under the agreement signed in 2010, customs duties on European vehicles will be reduced annually by 10 per cent with duties completely eliminated in 2019.
This means that vehicles coming from the EU will enjoy zero customs charges.
Nassar underlined the importance of increasing home-made production of car components especially with the agreement coming fully into force in 2019.