• 00:17
  • Friday ,02 November 2018

Coptic Church prepares to commemorate the 40 days anniversary of Metropolitan Bishoy

Nader Shoukry

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Thursday ,01 November 2018

Coptic Church prepares to commemorate the 40 days anniversary of Metropolitan Bishoy

The Coptic Church is preparing to commemorate the 40 days anniversary of Metropolitan Bishoy’s departure.

The services will be headed by Pope Tawadros who couldn’t attend the funeral since he was in a pastoral care visit in the United States of America.
Attending the services will be limited to those who received invitations by Bishop Paula of Tanta and supervisor of Damietta diocese.
 It is worth mentioning that Metropolitan Bishoy was born on July 19, 1942, in Mansoura, and was ordained as bishop on September 24, 1972, and during the reign of Pope Shenouda III, he was appointed as secretary of the Holy Synod and chairman of several Committees.