• 23:44
  • Friday ,19 October 2018

Make America stupid again

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,20 October 2018

Make America stupid again

Trump as always try to defend the tyrant people around the world from the North Korea president to president of Russia Vladimir Putin defend the Saudi Arabia prince who ordered to kill the Journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

As we notice that Trump is trying to admin America as one of his companies, all what he cares about every day is how much he loses every day and how much he gains in terms of money.

America is no longer the country that can defend principles or human rights around the world, America is no longer is the dream land as everyone believes it was.

Unfortunately, there is no hope that will change in the near future because the general atmosphere of the Americans became believe in “ America First” which means as long as American has better salaries and better Economy so nothing else will matter.

In conclusion, I want to say that Jamal Khashoggi is a victim of decline of human rights around the world which is unfortunately sponsored by big countries like states and also he is a victim of a tyrant prince who should be go the court and Submit for urgent trial.