• 08:50
  • Friday ,25 May 2018

The school of law

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Friday ,25 May 2018

The school of law

As Muslims in Egypt are fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan, Coptic Christians are getting ready to fast the apostles fasting. It is great that Egyptians realize they have too many things in common. Yet, many people insist on exposing and increasing the differences.

One of those people who want to concentrate on the differences and even ignite them and turn them into disputes and hatred is Dr. Rabie Anwar Fateh al-Bab, Professor of Constitutional Law and Undersecretary of the Faculty of Law, University of Ain Shams, who insulted Christianity and the church in his book at the university and ordered the student to repeat the same insults while answering the exams will indeed fail.
 People like this professor should learn how important is our unity and what is the meaning of equal citizenship. There is no better school for such man than the law. However, I don t mean that law which he teaches in the faculty of law, but rather the law that should preserve the rights of all citizens as states in the constitution.