• 00:59
  • Friday ,11 May 2018

The world day for donkeys

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Friday ,11 May 2018

The world day for donkeys

It was a nice coincidence that couple of days after I decided to pay respect to donkeys that the whole world decided to do the same thing by celebrating a world day for donkeys. This is the first time I hear about this celebration.

World Donkey Day celebrations were held for the first time in Egypt on May 8th, 2017 where many people starting to call for decent treatment for such nice animals. 
In addition to the celebration of donkey, there is another celebration for animals in laboratory which is called World Day For Animals In Laboratories (WDAIL) (also known as World Lab Animal Day) is observed every year on 24 April.
Back to old Egypt where donkeys were worshipped in the form of Set the deity, and now they are treated badly like most of hard working good people.
I believe we have to appreciate hard working people or animals. It is time to change such culture as we are in dire need for working hard in order to develop and overcome many problems. It is time to show donkeys the respect and honor they deserve.