• 23:51
  • Friday ,16 September 2016

Dead body of Egyptian expat killed in Italy will be deported back home next week


Home News


Sunday ,18 September 2016

Dead body of Egyptian expat killed in Italy will be deported back home next week

 Egyptian national was killed by a truck in Italy city of Piacenza was accidentally standing near a protest by a group of Postmen when the truck, belongs to the company where he was working for, ran over him, his mother told 90 Minutes talk show on Mehwar channel on Saturday evening.

Egyptian Consul in Milan Ahmed Shahin said that the dead body of the citizen will be deported back home for burial next week, Youm7 reported Saturday.
Egypt’s General Consulate in Milan has sent a delegation to the family of Egyptian expat to offer condolences and look at the facts and circumstances of the incident.
The Italian police forces have arrested on the truck driver, who is now under investigations.