• 00:45
  • Friday ,16 September 2016

Egypt supports Haftar’s seizure of Libyan oil places


Home News


Friday ,16 September 2016

Egypt supports Haftar’s seizure of Libyan oil places

 Egypt supports the Libyan National Army, led by military General Khalifa Haftar to maintain security and stability in Libya and to secure the Libyan oil fileds, said Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in media remarks during his visit in New York to prepare for President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s visit.

Egypt’s stance came after the United States and five European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Britain) have called on Haftar to withdraw from oil places where his loyal forces controlled over   and seized from the militants, Reueters reported on Sept. 12.
President Sisi will participate in the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) meetings to discuss the latest development in the Middle East, particularly Syria and Libya, Shoukry added.