• 00:53
  • Wednesday ,07 September 2016

The scenes behind building churches law

Mina M. Azer

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,07 September 2016

The scenes behind building churches law

I don’t talk here about the reaction of the church when choosing to accept the new law of building churches. I’d rather talk about the role of the person or organization that knows how to play politics.

 In a meeting between this person or organization with the Salafis, they refused the law that was accepted by Abba Paula. Yet, they were told they can manipulate the draft later. After they did, the churches refused it, which strained the atmosphere even more.
The same organization held meeting with the church representatives to tell them what happened and to offer a formula of compromise. This was the final law that was passed, but not accepted by the Salafis.
These information are not confirmed, but are extracted from the events. The organization could manage the situation after it told the church that Salafis are greedy and told the Salafis that the church is greedy as well. Thus, they reached a happy medium solution.
Therefore, the law of building churches was politically managed by the organization that satisfied the contradictory parties and manipulated them in order to continue managing the game. However, I hope they keep in mind what happened in the January 25 revolution.