• 08:50
  • Friday ,05 August 2016

Optimism and pessimism about Egypt

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,06 August 2016

Optimism and pessimism about Egypt

A lot of people feel depressed about what’s happing in Egypt right now because of the current inflation, and most of them are normal citizen, however, some other are little optimistic because they believe that Egypt is supported and enhanced by God as Pope Tawadrus mentioned last week that Egypt has a great position in Saint Mary’s heart. 

Away of the local view about Egypt and it’s future. We will find that even the international community care about Egypt. Lately we have read a report from the Economist Magazine describing Egypt’s future under President Sis period. The Economist Magazine report was very pessimistic about Egypt’s Future and was very impolite in describing President Sisi.
Away of being Optimistic and pessimistic, we need to be realistic about Egypt’s future. I know and understand how the situation in Egypt is difficult but the question we need to ask is it more difficult than Japan or Germany after the World War II?
Definitely, Egypt’s situation is much better than Japan and Germany after the World War II. We shouldn’t lose hope in Egypt but we should urge Egyptian to work more and hard to be able to pass this critical time. 
To be able to succeed in that critical time, we need in that time to focus in working and neglecting any criticism from inside or outside and this is only way if want to save Egypt.