• 00:08
  • Thursday ,14 July 2016

Racism behind all devastation in the world

Sherif Mansour

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,14 July 2016

Racism behind all devastation in the world

Since man began to classify other people based on their color and religions, people lost their humanity and were infected by the virus of racism.

 The recent racist accident in America proves that media is trying to make news in order to stay powerful. In fact, the main accused of being racist is the black people and not the white people.
Black people in America still accuse the white people of hindering their progress. I discovered that they are more racist than the white people who became a minority in their homeland.
I got myself into trouble because of my white skin and learnt to stay away African Americans for my own safety during my visits to America. 
The African Americans have got many rights and even started to abuse many of them as if they are taking revenge for their prior suffering.
President Parak Hussein Obama was very stupid to receive leaders of the black movement in his office as if he cares only for the black people.
In Chicago, 3500 murder crimes are committed every year, but only 5% is committed against black people by white people. In fact, Obama is affecting his country too bad. He lacks wisdom in dealing with such cases I believe he is dividing his nation and his people.