• 23:54
  • Monday ,04 April 2016

Resuming From Egypt

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,04 April 2016

Resuming From Egypt
After 2 weeks short vacation from my weekly article I’m back, with a lot to talk about over the following weeks but for now I resume with a short brief overview of some events starting with the most recent ones including some Analysis of the respectful Cairo 360 degrees program in TV of M. Osama Kamal one of rare very respectful TV presenters, which I wish first of all to thank him for still being the very same humble presenter of the very same respectful TV program I saw last time almost 6 months ago!
With all due respect to Osama Kamal I do have a couple of set back, this is my opinion and I do respect his opinion that I never got the chance to listen or see it! It was about the event that shook Egypt and the world few days ago about the Egypt Air plane hijacked to Cyprus, that day I woke up to see the news on Facebook that it is not my source of news so I switched immediately to Al masreya TV that was on while abroad 24/7 there I found a 100% follow up on that event camera was between Cyrus airport Larnaka and  Egypt Air airport or more precisely the emergency room the PM and minister of Aviation set up in the airport to follow up on that crisis...
I was happy to see the press conference the Aviation minister did LIFE ON LINE, no interruptions what so ever, and the best was PM left only after the hijacker did surrender, and the crisis almost ended moreover, the Minister of Aviation flown himself to return with the hijacked passengers!
With all happiness with the safe end of the crisis I wanted to see international reaction of the event on BBC , CNN, France 24 and Euro news they all said exactly what I saw and was broadcast Locally! Moreover I was 100% convinced that the aircraft crew did the right thing! International Aviation entities confirmed that fact however M. Osama Kamal commented on that event saying he wish they are right and his opinion was wrong but he still on his opinion he did not drop!
Second set back was today I know this was not his own personal opinion but his guest -without names- a sophisticated religious person had many to the point however I can not agree on his point of view about the unconstitutional law that put Islam El Behery and Fatma Naout and 5 young boys behind bars in prison... A law that is not applied to all Egyptians without exceptions CAN NEVER BE CONSTITUTIONAL!
  I rest my case and keep it short as a re-opening of resuming my weekly articles may God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians his peace be with you all!