• 00:59
  • Wednesday ,29 July 2015

Beef or human flesh?

By-Sherbini Luxory

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,29 July 2015

Beef or human flesh?

After several Egyptians have been killed in Warraq accident, Giza governor decided to grant families of the dead 20.000 LE for each and 5.000 LE for the injured.  This is repeated very often in several accidents in which Egyptians are killed because of negligence.

Let the Egyptian people die for several reasons, and the compensation is known: 20.000 LE. This compensation is paid by the masters in our country to the slaves, I mean the poor.
Those slaves have to accept that price after they lost all means of decent life. Those 20.000 LE is more than what they deserves. The masters pay for the dead body as much as they would pay the same weight of beef!
The masters of this country are: the governors, senior officials, ministers and rich people. Those think they are well-protected from all crises that hit the poor. As masters, they believe that they were created rich in order to enjoy all power and happiness. However, the poor should behave since the rich in our country may get rid of the poor and import poor people from other countries whose price would be much less 20.000 LE.