• 23:30
  • Friday ,22 May 2015

Police could release four kidnapped Copts in Minya

Nader Shoukry

Top Stories


Friday ,22 May 2015

Police could release four kidnapped Copts in Minya
Security services could release the four Coptic kidnapped men who were kidnapped for two days. The men were kidnapped while they were riding a taxi returning from St. Mary monaster after attending the celebrations in Samalout.Security services could release the four Coptic kidnapped men who were kidnapped for two days. The men were kidnapped while they were riding a taxi returning from St. Mary monaster after attending the celebrations in Samalout.
Police arrested two of the kidnappers and sent them to jail.
Ezzat Ibrahim, Coptic activist in Minya, said that police could reach the kidnappers by tracking their phone calls to the families of the kidnapped Copts since they demanded a ransom of 600.000 LE in order to release their sons. The rest of the gang could escape before police arrived, and the matter is still under investigation.