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  • Friday ,08 May 2015

Zomor calls Muslim Brotherhood to reconcile with Sisi’s regime

By The Cairo Post

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Saturday ,09 May 2015

Zomor calls Muslim Brotherhood to reconcile with Sisi’s regime
Tariq al-Zomor, Chairman of the Building and Development Islamist party called Friday on all Islamist political factions to “stand behind the umbrella of the January 25 Revolution and accept their opponents.”Tariq al-Zomor, Chairman of the Building and Development Islamist party called Friday on all Islamist political factions to “stand behind the umbrella of the January 25 Revolution and accept their opponents.”
“We need to establish a civil political current as an alternative,” Zomor tole Al-Jazeera Friday.
“The Muslim Brotherhood needs to recognize their opponents and deal with them,” he added referring to President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s regime.
Since the 2013 ouster of Mohamed Morsi, press reports reported on various reconciliation attempts between the Islamist, mostly the Muslim brotherhood group, and Sisi’s regime, but none were officially recognized.
However, questions loom over the participation of the Islamist powers in Egypt’s upcoming parliamentary elections, expected to take place in the summer.
Former Muslim Brotherhood member Khaled al-Zaafrany, stated he believes that Zomor’s call come within a series of reconciliation initiatives that were originally proposed by the Muslim Brotherhood group, Youm 7 reported Saturday.
“Zomor’s statements comes after similar ones issued by Al Wasat Party leader Mohamed Mahsoub, who called also on the Muslim brotherhood to reconcile with the regime, it became common and obvious,” he added.
Moreover, former Muslim Brotherhood member Abdel Rahman Saqr told Youm 7 that the Brotherhood “is trying to use their ally Zomor to say that reconciliation is possible.”