• 00:14
  • Friday ,01 May 2015

Political Parties Dynamics

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,02 May 2015

Political Parties Dynamics

Any one who looks at the political parties today will feel without a doubt that It is impossible to have a sound political life in this situation. We all recently read about what happened with the Alwafd Party and how a group of people inside the party itself wanted to isolate the president of the party for the sake of a reform.


It has not only been the Alwafd party suffering from this hassal, but all political parties in Egypt are suffering from different diseases. I wonder how the political parties will enter the next parliament election while most of them suffer from internal conflicts.


In fact, the weaknesses that political parties suffer from will never lead to a stable political life. I believe that most of the parties in Egypt don't have any real basis for existence in the Egyptian streets or among Egyptians for that matter. Egyptians are seeking Economic thoughts before political thoughts.


Egyptians are so eager to find a way to solve all the economic problems they suffer from. The young people are seeking someone to think deeply how to decrease unemployment.


In conclusion, I don't think that any political parties are ready to be in power. Political parties need to first learn how to respect each other and respect the law before thinking to be in power and govern a country like Egypt. If we don't want to repeat the Muslim Brotherhood experience when they came in power, we have to focuse in political socialization as a first step towards a sound political life in the future.