• 00:51
  • Friday ,10 April 2015

Resurrection 2

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,11 April 2015

Resurrection 2

In the last article I spoke about the Resurrection, and about it's deep meaning. I ended my article with the question, are you working to enjoy the moment of resurrection? If so, then that's what I want to focus on today. 

Many people, including myself, find that it's so hard to work on a spiritual life which will lead you to eternal life to enjoy it. I admit that it is really hard, just as Jesus said in the Bible, “Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat” 
But one day I was thinking about this matter in the following way: I believe that God knows your ability and He will not ask you why you weren't a good man, but, "Did you try to be good man?" 
I believe that God will not judge you because you were constantly in sin but because you didn’t try to repent and to be a good man as God wants you to be. It is not about being good but about trying to be good. 
Our God is a God of mercy, not a God of punishment so don’t try to convince yourself that you tried many times to be good and failed and so it's not worth it to try again. 
The thief who was crucified with Jesus said just one sentence. “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom” his words was just a simple attempt to join God in His kingdom. I imagine this thief. He didn’t repent, he didn’t pray, and he didn’t do any remarkable things, but the only thing he did was just try to join the resurrection in the last minute and he succeeded. So can you try as he did?