• 00:45
  • Thursday ,19 February 2015

Poulos to a Swiss newspaper: Egypt will triumph over terrorism


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Thursday ,19 February 2015

Poulos to a Swiss newspaper: Egypt will triumph over terrorism

Poulos to a Swiss newspaper: Egypt will triumph over terrorismEng. Ezzat Paul, editor-in-chief of Copts United newspaper, said that Egypt will prevail in her war against terrorism, hoping that unity among the Egyptian people will continue.

He added in his interview with Luzerner Swiss newspaper that the Egyptian government has supported the families of the martyrs, and compensated them 100.000 LE for each family, as well as giving them a monthly wage. The president has also visited the Pope to offer his sincere condolences to the Copts.

Poulos said that moderate Muslims refuse such bloody attack, and support the army in attacking the terrorists in Libya knowing that Egypt will triumph over all terrorists.

Egypt had conducted an airstrike against terrorist organizations in Libya on Monday in retaliation for the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians by a local franchise of the Islamic State.