• 23:26
  • Monday ,16 February 2015


J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,16 February 2015



Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts (or threat of violent acts) intended to create fear (terror).
Once again the events in Egypt  does not allow to me plan in advance my article; I’m still where I was 3 weeks ago in my study on Terrorism in history, I need to know when and where was the first terror act, but recent terrorism acts around Egypt attract my attention. 
Today attentions are directed towards Libya events! ISIS that is abbreviation on “Islamic State Iraq Syria” is in Libya should we call them then ISISL? News spread of Libyan army taking over control in places then few days later we hear the terrorists took over control in other places, and who is suffering in the middle Egyptians of all kinds! Poor Egyptian people on the borders are being attacked, taxi drivers can not operate as usual, deliveries transportation tangled not to talk of people who in the hunt of their daily bread had to leave their families and homes and were either killed or kidnapped just for being Egyptian, and among them the Christian Egyptians are the best prey and reward, they are to be executed! Last week contradictory news of 21 Christian Egyptians captured a month or more ago, were executed the picture in the news show them wearing the execution uniform wore before by lot of ISIS victims! The American journalist and British hostage, the Japanese victims, and lately the Iraqi Pilot wore it before being burnt! The Important thing is that upon negotiations with Jordan King to release this pilot in exchange with other terrorist in Jordan jails, it seemed that this pilot was still alive but in facts he was executed days and weeks ago but not announced! Same happened with the two Japanese hostages while releasing the video demanding ransom one was already dead, followed by the second one as it become clear Japan was never going to pay ransoms!
Contradictory news confirms the 21 Christian Egyptians hostages since over a month are still alive and the President confirmed to the Pope he was and still personally following the news of those 21 victims! Urgent human aid was decided to the families of those 21 victims by the government! But from my previous experiences with the victims I stated including the Jordan Pilot, make me fear they were secretly executed but the execution news was not released yet by the terrorists!
Sometime in early November 2014, while I was still in Egypt I witnessed PhD Tawfik Okasha famous popular TV presenter and owner of a TV channel announced clear and bolt, the Egyptian Army will be in real war on Libyan grounds! It is a well known military principal, when your national security is in danger a 1st attack to prevent further damage is allowed! This is the trap conspiracies dragged ex-president Nasser to his defeat on 1967 defeat when fake news about Syria spread by conspirators which forced Israel to a prevention  attack!
But this Libyan problem is not the only threat around, Yemen boiling spot is a huge danger, all Arabian Golf countries including Saudi Arabia Kingdom is in huge danger trapped by ISIS from the north and Yemen from the south! The real goal is Red sea entrance to neutralise Suez Canal and hit European trade forcing an International reaction repeating history of what happened in Iraq and Libya!I can not speak about that any more as I have just like you all wait and watch how matters will develop!
Local Events
A football –Soccer- match causes the death of several Egyptians trying to get some amusement in a soccer match while we are still investigating the events of the famous Port Said massacre in courts! We are seriously in an endless chain on events we have to keep our eyes wide open and make a lot of thinking, if we really need a change this will never happen while we not trusting any one! 
 The change start from within ourselves we can not expect every one to change while we keep our old nasty habits, if we want a cleaner street we mast stop damping rubbish on the street, if we want honesty around us we must expose corruption, and before we need to stop paying ransoms to corrupted guys we mast learn how to ask for our rightful rights properly it is an endless chain and it all starts from within us!
We mast stop listening to rumours, we must learn how to use our own brains and if not qualified for luck of education we need to educate ourselves with proper teachers it all starts with the simple magic word Me 1st.
Yes, before asking for your rights finish your homework stop asking and never give! This country never asked you but gave you everything it is time to return the favour and give back to this country so that it can stand back on its feet! May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians!