• 00:17
  • Wednesday ,11 February 2015

Asaad: Nour Party can not apologize for his crimes against Copts

Nader Shoukry

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Wednesday ,11 February 2015

Asaad: Nour Party can not apologize for his crimes against Copts

Mina Asaad, founder of the Association of Christian Faith Protectors, said that every Copt joined Nour Party and his electoral list is a betrayal to the church.Mina Asaad, founder of the Association of Christian Faith Protectors, said that every Copt joined Nour Party and his electoral list is a betrayal to the church. Nader Sayrafy, founder of Copts 38 association and other Copts had joined the electoral list of the ultra conservative party. He added that Nour Party has to apologize for many crimes against the Copts including describing them as second degree citizens and inciting against them.