• 00:31
  • Tuesday ,27 January 2015

Long live justice

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,27 January 2015

Long live justice

At the anniversary of the conspiracy and set back of January 25, 2011, Egypt has found out the great conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood and the American Administration that aimed to divide and destroy Egypt. We found out that many Egyptians were wronged and falsely accused of killing the demonstrators. Former president Hosny Mubarak, his sons and his Minister of Interiors. After months of trial, all of them were acquitted.

Sons of the former president were in prison for almost four years, and were finally released. I congratulate them and their father hoping that other accused will be acquitted like former Minister of treasury who left the treasury with more than 36 billion dollars, out of which the Muslim Brotherhood stole 18 billion dollars.
Lets think about it. Their crimes are inevitable, but all of us are yet corrupted.