• 01:02
  • Friday ,09 January 2015

Happy new year O Giza governor

Maged Samir

Article Of The Day


Friday ,09 January 2015

Happy new year O Giza governor

Giza governor announced at the end of the year 2014 that exams can be scheduled on January 1st in order to lend more seriousness for the New Year. He indeed was wishing to arrest all traitors who celebrate at that night headed by Mr. Santa Claus, the American agent.

I have to agree with him that there is a great conspiracy against our nation led by America and Santa Claus that started centuries ago when we followed that stupid plan of celebrating the new year!

The great governor thinks that in order to overcome such evil plan, Egyptian families should spend that night studying for the exams ignoring that this smart education system never allows a student to find a job.

I hate our education system that turns our students to saving machines that have to forget what they saved once they do the exams in order to save the next subject and so on.

Moreover, the smart officials always find the best time to do such exams at the holydays of Christians in Egypt or else they should fail in the exams. What a system!