• 00:02
  • Wednesday ,24 December 2014

Gas pipelines in Sinai explodes for the 27th time


Home News


Wednesday ,24 December 2014

Gas pipelines in Sinai explodes for the 27th time

The pipeline that carries natural gas to Jordan through Egypt’s North Sinai was struck by an explosion Tuesday for the 27th month since the January 25 Revolution that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak, Youm7 reported.

No casualties have been reported.
An Eye witness told Youm7 that the pipeline exploded Tuesday morning before security forces rushed to the scene.
Security force reportedly closed North Sinai’s city of Al-Arish and the surrounding area in search for other potential bombs, sources told Youm7.
Preliminary investigations point the finger at the Sinai-based Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis, said the source explaining that militants have used a cell phone to trigger the explosives, which were placed in a trench under the pipelines.
The anonymous assailants have escaped the scene after the explosion before authorities in North Sinai have stopped the gas supplement and took several measures to assure the residences, the source added.