• 00:10
  • Monday ,22 December 2014

Egypt's intelligence chief replaced

By African News

Home News


Monday ,22 December 2014

Egypt's intelligence chief replaced

Egypt's intelligence chief Gen. Mohammed Farid el-Tohamy was removed from his post on Sunday, official news agency MENA reported.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has issued a presidential decree to retire Tohamy, in his 60s, and ordered to grant him a first class republic medal in appreciation for his efforts along his long career path.
Served as the head of the Administrative Control Authority, Tohamy was appointed chief of general intelligence agency immediately after Sisi, then chief of the military, led the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.
The reasons for Tohamy's leaving were not clear, but some independent websites said it's for health reasons.
MENA added that Khaled Fawzy, who headed the national security agency, was appointed Tohamy's successor.