• 23:44
  • Friday ,19 December 2014

“Protectors of the Faith” supports new Personal Status Law

Nader Shoukry

Top Stories


Friday ,19 December 2014

“Protectors of the Faith” supports new Personal Status Law

Christianity.  He added that more than 90% of personal status problems will be solved by the new law.Mina Asaad, founder of “Protectors of the Faith” association said that the association supports the new Personal Status Law, which is currently discussed before the law is passed. He explained that the civil marriage stated in the law is the part that should be eliminated as it contradicts with
Christianity.  He added that more than 90% of personal status problems will be solved by the new law.

However, the association demanded the Church to explain some articles.

It’s worth mentioning that the Evangelical Church as well as Copts 38 association have supported the elimination of civil marriage in the new law.