• 01:03
  • Thursday ,11 December 2014

Bishoy Armia Boulous (Mohammed Ahmed Higazy) receives inhuman treatment in Egypt prisons for conversion from Islam to Christianity

BY-DR Ibrahim Habib



Thursday ,11 December 2014

Bishoy Armia Boulous (Mohammed Ahmed Higazy) receives inhuman treatment in Egypt prisons for conversion from Islam to Christianity
Bishoy Armia Boulous who currently on remand in Tora prison following his release on 20/7/13 and his re-arrest same day for conversion from Islam to Christianity receive inhuman treatment in Egypt prisons, he is being tortured physical and mentally.  
Bishoy is currently kept in solitary confinement in a cell designated for those waiting to be hanged, is being tortured, cursed, himself and his religion, he is being subjected to daily humiliation, the guard broke his glasses, he is being taken bare footed to the hearing in Minya Misdemeanor Court.   
Bishoy was working for El-Tarek TV when he was arrested on 28th December 2014, his camera was confiscated, he was charged with taking  photos illegally and spreading false rumours while he was actually working as correspondent for El-Tarek TV.
The judge El-Ghol, placed his personal Quran while in court over Bishoy court paper. Bishoy arrest document from Head of Minya province Intelligence Police stated in the outset “it came to our knowledge that a convert from Islam is photographic the demonstrations” It is obvious that Bishoy charge and treatment contravene the Egyptian constitution.  
His final court hearing for sentensing is going to be 28/12/14, His judge from another circle will most likely be different from El-Ghol.  
We call upon President Abdel-Fatah El-Sessie to intervene to release Bishoy immediately and to investigate his treatment in prison.