• 00:48
  • Monday ,08 December 2014

The Ottoman Empire

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,08 December 2014

The Ottoman Empire

History tell us:- The Ottoman Empire , also historically referred to as the Turkish Empire or Turkey, was a Sunni Islami state founded by Oghuz Turks in north-western Anatolia in 1299. With conquests in the Balkans by Murad I between 1365 and 1389, and the conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed II in 1453, the Ottoman sultanate was transformed into an empire.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, in particular at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful multinational, multilingual empire controlling much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. At the beginning of the 17th century the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these were later absorbed into the empire, while others were granted various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.
With Constantinople as its capital and control of lands around the Mediterranean basin, the Ottoman Empire was at the centre of interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. Following a long period of military setbacks against European powers and gradual decline, the empire collapsed and was dissolved in the aftermath of World War I, leading to the emergence of the new state of Turkey in the Ottoman Anatolian heartland, as well as the creation of modern Balkan and Middle Eastern states.
History tell us as well that Mehmed VI (redirect from Ottoman sultan Muhammad VI)
was the 36th and last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigning from 1918 to 1922. The brother of Mehmed V, he succeeded to the throne as the eldest male, this is Mohamed Ali Pasha the creator -or better developer- of modern Egypt! He bought Egypt from the Ottoman Emperor of that time so otherwise stating Egypt since then does not belong to that Ottoman Empire! 
With Ottoman Empire end and the creation of Turkey; Turkey's main exports to EU and imports from EU are dominantly industrial (95% of all its imports and exports). Since 1996, Turkey's gross domestic product has increased 4-fold, making it one of the fastest growing economies in the world. At the same time, however, the foreign trade deficit of Turkey (between EU) has increased 2 fold and 6 fold with non-EU countries (the rest of the world), between 1995–2008. The Customs Union is a large factor in both of these developments. Some commentators have pointed to a vicious circle that the profits generated from imports are being used to buy raw materials and assembly parts again from Europe. This shows that Turkey is dependent on European raw materials and parts.
Some argue that the customs union treaty is quite like the Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire. It was giving economical and political powers to a union (EU in this case) which the signing party (Turkey) was and still is not a member:
Turkey, by accepting the customs union protocol, was giving the EU the power to manipulate the foreign relations of Turkey. Turkey was accepting all the treaties between EU and any non EU country (i.e. all the other countries in the world) by precondition. (16th and 55th articles )
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was accepting not to do any treaties with any non-EU country without the knowledge of EU. Otherwise, EU had the right to intervene and annul that treaty. (56th article!
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was unconditionally accepting to make laws which are parallel to the newer laws made for the customs union by EU. (8th article)
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was accepting to obey the all laws and decisions of European Court of Justice, where there is no single Turkish judge. (64th article)
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was opening its own market to European goods. The domestic goods of Turkey were in a great difficulty to compete against these due to a difference in quality. The European goods would flow into Turkey without any customs fee. Turkey accepted all that as an associate member of the European Union, having part of its lands in Europe and hopping for a full European Union Membership, however the decision to consider Turkey's application was deferred until 1993, because the European Community was in the process of becoming the even (politically and economically) tighter European Union. The fall of the Soviet Union and German reunification delayed the decision on Turkish membership even more. During those years the European Community had also become reluctant to consider Turkey's application.
At the Helsinki summit in December 1999 Turkey was given the status of a candidate country. At the end of 2004, the European Commission has issued a report with positive recommendations to the European Council, indicating the degree of compliance by Turkey of the Copenhagen political criteria. On this basis, the European Council has decided to start accession negotiations with Turkey on 3 October 2005. 
Till today no final decision was made but pointers shows political tendencies of Turkey that do not fulfil European Union policies and most likely Turkey full membership will be denied and best shut for Turkey’s survival is re-opening history books to revive the dead Ottoman Empire!
Fact Sheets
First fact is the Muslim Brotherhood -or better as I borrowed the new nomination of an Egyptian Broadcasting channel (Faraeen)- Devil Brotherhood eternal dream of assuming powers fall dead on 30th. Of June 2013! I recall that the first ever entity to recognise the 23rd. Of July Revolution was the Devil Brotherhood it was seen up to that point as a military Coup D’ETAS against the King and the royal family, they hoped Colonel Jamal Abdul Nasser will give them access to ruling powers but as he denied that they turned against him and tried to assassinate him the rest is a well known recent history!
Fact number two:- A defeated power will never accept that defeat and would try their best may be in a moment of luck they can turn the tables and turn defeat into victory!
Fact number three the collapsing Turkish empire in association with Qatar an other entities which for their best interest want to dissolve the only remaining power that still stands alone in its war against terrorism will try over and over alternative plans as ALL PRIOR ONES FAILED!
This was on terror is still going on and the enemy will try all possible tactics including:-
1. Demoralising Egyptians spreading :-
a) Lies
b) Rumours
c) Clear and bolt threats
2. November 28th was a sample to prove their lies
3. The courts decision in Mubarak’s trial was used to ignite troubles
4. More lies about the return of Mubarak’s people
5. The forecasting of the third revolution ................
The target in all that is just that unexpected unity between the people its army and police forces on top of subdividing the people themselves as liberal, social, capitalists, Islamic, you name it!
People of Egypt once again I remind you our force is in our unity, I trust your instincts but I’m very aware of the possibility to demoralise some of them using bad examples we are all humans some bad people are still there we need to expose them not to make them the norm of Egyptians and that there is no use no development! Mistakes are a human factor do not cry misery on a mistake here or there but try your best to find a solution for it, and most important start The Ottoman Empire
History tell us:- The Ottoman Empire , also historically referred to as the Turkish Empire or Turkey, was a Sunni Islami state founded by Oghuz Turks in north-western Anatolia in 1299. With conquests in the Balkans by Murad I between 1365 and 1389, and the conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed II in 1453, the Ottoman sultanate was transformed into an empire.
During the 16th and 17th centuries, in particular at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful multinational, multilingual empire controlling much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. At the beginning of the 17th century the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these were later absorbed into the empire, while others were granted various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.
With Constantinople as its capital and control of lands around the Mediterranean basin, the Ottoman Empire was at the centre of interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. Following a long period of military setbacks against European powers and gradual decline, the empire collapsed and was dissolved in the aftermath of World War I, leading to the emergence of the new state of Turkey in the Ottoman Anatolian heartland, as well as the creation of modern Balkan and Middle Eastern states.
History tell us as well that Mehmed VI (redirect from Ottoman sultan Muhammad VI)
was the 36th and last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigning from 1918 to 1922. The brother of Mehmed V, he succeeded to the throne as the eldest male, this is Mohamed Ali Pasha the creator -or better developer- of modern Egypt! He bought Egypt from the Ottoman Emperor of that time so otherwise stating Egypt since then does not belong to that Ottoman Empire! 
With Ottoman Empire end and the creation of Turkey; Turkey's main exports to EU and imports from EU are dominantly industrial (95% of all its imports and exports). Since 1996, Turkey's gross domestic product has increased 4-fold, making it one of the fastest growing economies in the world. At the same time, however, the foreign trade deficit of Turkey (between EU) has increased 2 fold and 6 fold with non-EU countries (the rest of the world), between 1995–2008. The Customs Union is a large factor in both of these developments. Some commentators have pointed to a vicious circle that the profits generated from imports are being used to buy raw materials and assembly parts again from Europe. This shows that Turkey is dependent on European raw materials and parts.
Some argue that the customs union treaty is quite like the Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire. It was giving economical and political powers to a union (EU in this case) which the signing party (Turkey) was and still is not a member:
Turkey, by accepting the customs union protocol, was giving the EU the power to manipulate the foreign relations of Turkey. Turkey was accepting all the treaties between EU and any non EU country (i.e. all the other countries in the world) by precondition. (16th and 55th articles )
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was accepting not to do any treaties with any non-EU country without the knowledge of EU. Otherwise, EU had the right to intervene and annul that treaty. (56th article!
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was unconditionally accepting to make laws which are parallel to the newer laws made for the customs union by EU. (8th article)
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was accepting to obey the all laws and decisions of European Court of Justice, where there is no single Turkish judge. (64th article)
Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was opening its own market to European goods. The domestic goods of Turkey were in a great difficulty to compete against these due to a difference in quality. The European goods would flow into Turkey without any customs fee. Turkey accepted all that as an associate member of the European Union, having part of its lands in Europe and hopping for a full European Union Membership, however the decision to consider Turkey's application was deferred until 1993, because the European Community was in the process of becoming the even (politically and economically) tighter European Union. The fall of the Soviet Union and German reunification delayed the decision on Turkish membership even more. During those years the European Community had also become reluctant to consider Turkey's application.
At the Helsinki summit in December 1999 Turkey was given the status of a candidate country. At the end of 2004, the European Commission has issued a report with positive recommendations to the European Council, indicating the degree of compliance by Turkey of the Copenhagen political criteria. On this basis, the European Council has decided to start accession negotiations with Turkey on 3 October 2005. 
Till today no final decision was made but pointers shows political tendencies of Turkey that do not fulfil European Union policies and most likely Turkey full membership will be denied and best shut for Turkey’s survival is re-opening history books to revive the dead Ottoman Empire!
Fact Sheets
First fact is the Muslim Brotherhood -or better as I borrowed the new nomination of an Egyptian Broadcasting channel (Faraeen)- Devil Brotherhood eternal dream of assuming powers fall dead on 30th. Of June 2013! I recall that the first ever entity to recognise the 23rd. Of July Revolution was the Devil Brotherhood it was seen up to that point as a military Coup D’ETAS against the King and the royal family, they hoped Colonel Jamal Abdul Nasser will give them access to ruling powers but as he denied that they turned against him and tried to assassinate him the rest is a well known recent history!
Fact number two:- A defeated power will never accept that defeat and would try their best may be in a moment of luck they can turn the tables and turn defeat into victory!
Fact number three the collapsing Turkish empire in association with Qatar an other entities which for their best interest want to dissolve the only remaining power that still stands alone in its war against terrorism will try over and over alternative plans as ALL PRIOR ONES FAILED!
This was on terror is still going on and the enemy will try all possible tactics including:-
1. Demoralising Egyptians spreading :-
a) Lies
b) Rumours
c) Clear and bolt threats
2. November 28th was a sample to prove their lies
3. The courts decision in Mubarak’s trial was used to ignite troubles
4. More lies about the return of Mubarak’s people
5. The forecasting of the third revolution ................
The target in all that is just that unexpected unity between the people its army and police forces on top of subdividing the people themselves as liberal, social, capitalists, Islamic, you name it!
People of Egypt once again I remind you our force is in our unity, I trust your instincts but I’m very aware of the possibility to demoralise some of them using bad examples we are all humans some bad people are still there we need to expose them not to make them the norm of Egyptians and that there is no use no development! Mistakes are a human factor do not cry misery on a mistake here or there but try your best to find a solution for it, and most important start by YOURSELF be a leader to your neighbours and colleagues show them the way if they can not see it be their eyes to a better future we can not keep crying forever on a dark past of defeats we did overcome them we need the inspirations of hopes and a brighter future
May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians  
by YOURSELF be a leader to your neighbours and colleagues show them the way if they can not see it be their eyes to a better future we can not keep crying forever on a dark past of defeats we did overcome them we need the inspirations of hopes and a brighter future
May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians