• 00:19
  • Friday ,05 December 2014

Is Mubarak Innocent?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Friday ,05 December 2014

Is Mubarak Innocent?

Regardless of what was the resolution of the judge, we have an important question to ask. Is Mubarak innocent?  I believe that he is not and not because he really ordered to kill the demonstrators but because he was leading a corrupted regime for 30 years.

Mubarak was corrupt for sure and he allowed a lot of small business men to control the market and leave the poor without any shelter. Mubarak is guilty in all cases. Mubarak was guilty when he let disease kill Egyptians without any action.

He was corrupt when he left the Egyptians without any hope for the future. Mubarak was corrupt when he did nothing toward all that happened to the Christians during his time.

Mubarak left Egypt without any real development. Mubarak let the interior ministry kill people in the prison without any punishment. I can’t imagine that although Mubarak did all those terrible things, his regime all are enjoying a free life.

Has the revolution been a benefit for all of them? Are they are innocent? What was the point if Al Adly was not corrupt. I believe that Mubarak's Regime is responsible for a lot of disasters that happened in the last 30 years and he may be innocent in front of the judge but not in the eyes of the Egyptians.