• 00:19
  • Friday ,14 November 2014

Under One Roof

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Sunday ,16 November 2014

Under One Roof
There is too much sadness, too much tragedy, too much violence, and too much heartache in Egypt right now. I feel like every opinionated article I’ve written recently has been in regards to the most recent tragedy, or killing, or threats, or even destruction. 
I want to change the tone of my article today completely, and focus on something positive coming out of Egypt. 
Let’s talk about some positives! So, since 1934 it has been pretty much impossible to construct a new church in Egypt. However, as of recently, there was a new draft law in consideration for being passed, which would allow more ease for constructing churches. Apparently, representatives from three different denominations drafted this law, and felt passionately about this.  
Why not keep focusing for at least 5 minutes on some more good news? Mega airline British Airways is celebrating 25 years of being en-route to Egypt, and to celebrate this long lasting relationship, they are now moving from their previous terminal, terminal 1, to terminal 5 in the airport. This means that Egyptian customers will get to enjoy duty-free shopping, and a wider array of restaurants to choose from when waiting for connecting flights. 
In other news, a poll was recently taken evaluating the peoples’ satisfaction with President Sisi, and it was revealed that 88% of the people who voted approve of their President’s term so far. He has been in office for 5 months, and is already doing the best he can, considering the current circumstances. 
Why don’t we consider the bad with the good? All we hear about recently is the terrible things ISIS is doing, the be-headings, the violence, the bombs, the deaths. This is tragic news to be hearing every 10 minutes. This is all any Egyptian citizens are hearing about right now. No wonder we are all feeling depressed and in mourning. We need to remember the good that’s going on as well, because this is our country, and if we don’t look at the positive side of life, we will forever be in this black tragic hole.