• 23:35
  • Wednesday ,12 November 2014

Egypt warns Salafists over planned protests

By Ahram Online

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,12 November 2014

Egypt warns Salafists over planned protests
The interior ministry has vowed to block protests by a Salafist group calling for the implementation of Sharia law.The interior ministry has vowed to block protests by a Salafist group calling for the implementation of Sharia law.
The ultra-conservative Salafist Front has called for protests on 28 November to demand Islamic law and the maintenance of Egypt's Islamic identity.  
Interior ministry spokesperson Hany Abdel-Latif said a nationwide security plan to deal with the protests was in place.  
All legal measures will be used to tackle illegal actions, he added.
He said security forces would deal directly with any armed threats against police or public facilities.
Salafist Front has called on other Islamist groups to join their protests. However, none have yet responded.
It is the first time for two years that the Front has acted alone. It has been a key part of the National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL), the largest coalition calling for the reinstatement of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.
The Front is one of a number of Salafist movements to emerge after the 2011 revolution. It includes several prominent preachers and activists.
The group identifies itself as an association of independent Islamic and Salafist figures and proselytising blocs.