• 00:17
  • Tuesday ,11 November 2014

Ignorant Witness

By Dr. Rafaat Fahim Gendy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,11 November 2014

Ignorant Witness
The Muslims are suffering from Parliament terrorist attack in Ottawa more than any others. They suffer also by acts of ISIS and other Islamic organization that led many people to describe the Muslims as terrorists which is not true.
I know that those terrorist receive their instructions from the Islamic religion. Yet, not all Muslims understand Islam like they do, just like not all Christians follow Christian teachings.
Why should the Muslims rejoice and cheer because someone was converted to Islam? I'm not talking here about the fanatics who kidnap Christian girls and force them to convert into Islam, as they are but criminals. Those are indeed criminals. I also met with some people who had to embrace Islam because they work in an Arab country or for other reasons. Those don’t consider themselves Muslims, but other Muslims count them among their congregation. Another man decided to seize money of a Muslim woman. So, he converted into Islam and married her! However, catechumens pass through many tests before they are accepted in Christian churches. 
This sick man at Otawa should make our Muslim brothers understand that not only declaring Islam makes one a true Muslim. Those who believe in God should know something about him and witness for him. Yet, many newly converted members are but ignorant witnesses who know nothing about He whom they preach.