• 00:34
  • Thursday ,17 July 2014

Bishop of Youth congratulates young people with high scores in Thanwia Amma

Amany Moussa

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Thursday ,17 July 2014

Bishop of Youth congratulates young people with high scores in Thanwia Amma

Abba Moussa, bishop of youth has congratulated young Egyptian people who passed the exam of Thanaweya Amma, especially the Copts who scored the highest scores. Abba Moussa, bishop of youth has congratulated young Egyptian people who passed the exam of Thanaweya Amma, especially the Copts who scored the highest scores. 

Thanaweya Amma is series of standardized tests in Egypt that lead to the General Secondary Education Certificate for public secondary schools and serves as the entrance examination for Egyptian public universities.
Thanaweya Amma means 'General Secondary' in Modern Standard Arabic. In the context of Egypt's education system, it refers to the general (as opposed to technical or vocational) secondary education track, the completion exams at the end of the track, and the diploma a student earns by passing the exams.