• 00:59
  • Tuesday ,17 June 2014

Humanitarian case

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,17 June 2014

Humanitarian case

With all due respect, I found it impossible to communicate with any bishop of the 120 members of the Holy Synod. Thus, I present this story to Pope Tawadros II, that he may read it and get the message.

Mrs. Lynda Sadik Ghobrial suffered from cancer in the throat, and entered the Coptic Hospital in Ramses Street, Cairo, for treatment. Her poor family managed to pay 40.000 LE after selling what can be sold and borrowing what can be borrowed.

Her son decided to ask for help of the Church. Thus, he met with Mrs. Mervat from Social and Public services office at the great Cathedral of St. Mark that used to promise to show the responsible bishop the documents. The poor family asked for help of other churches, but in vain.

Days passed and the bills accumulated until the lady passed away. Yet, the hospital refused to give the dead body to the poor family before 11.500 LE are paid.

Not knowing what to do, the son rushed once again to the Church asking for help in order to bury his dead mother. The responsible employee answered: May God repose her soul, leave your phone number that we may contact you later!

At the time members of the Holy Synod enjoy advanced health insurance and the best medical service, such poor people die and their bodies are not buried as the bills can’t be afforded. What do you think your holiness about this humanitarian tragedy? Does the good shepherd still lay down his life for the sheep?