• 00:39
  • Tuesday ,17 June 2014

Egyptian teacher sentenced to 6 months for insulting Islam

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,17 June 2014

Egyptian teacher sentenced to 6 months for insulting Islam

An Egyptian court sentenced a teacher to six months on Sunday on charges of insulting religion in front of her students at a Luxor school.

The verdict is final, the state news agency said, adding that the parents of some of the defendant's students had complained that the teacher had offended Islam in comparison to Christianity.

Egyptian author Karam Saber was also sentenced to five years in March on charges of insulting religion in a collection of short stories titled “Where is God?”

After a court struck down his appeal, Saber described the verdict as “shocking” to Aswat Masriya, pointing out that works of literature should not be measured in accordance with religious standards.

An Islamist preacher, known as Abu Islam, was also sentenced to five years in prison last year. His sentence was later reduced to six months.