• 00:27
  • Thursday ,12 June 2014

A crime against the people and the nation

By Aiman al-Gohary

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,12 June 2014

A crime against the people and the nation

Cases of sexual assault were reported in Tahrir Square on Sunday at the time of the inauguration of army general Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi by dirty monsters who affected the reputation and dignity of the country so badly.

This crime should be followed by deterrent rules to those wild animals whom should receive speedy tirals.

Dear president Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, this crime is your very first test and chance as president to prove respect the law and impose it on all people.

He who really loves this country should respect its constitution and law in order to develop our country and move forward.

As many people are talking about human values, few are those who really practice and respect those values. Unfortunately, we are in dire need to rehabilitation and to restore our values. We need to set a plan to fix our morals. This is the only way to really solve the problem. Or else we will be wasting our time and cheating ourselves. Please, don't forget about this poor lady and other women who were raped or harassed. They as well as their families are waiting for taking revenge that should not come late.