• 23:44
  • Monday ,09 June 2014


J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,09 June 2014


Today I’ll be brief in my words I usually start writing my articles during the week and conclude review and put final touches Early on Sunday so that they are published over the net the following day, Monday. Well today Sunday 08th of June 2014 is different!

For Egypt today is a memorial day, for the first time in recent history the ruling Egyptian president, gives up ruling powers to a successor president!

Not aware about the ruling royal family traditions in Egypt, but generally speaking the death of the ruling King is the only way for the prince -the elder son of the king or elder in the royal family who is nominated as prince- to become King! History tell us some Kings took the kingdom over the corpse of the ruling king assassinating him either in a war or cowardly killed to become the king, however the norm is natural death giving the way for new generations to take over. 

In Egypt, since the revolution of July 23td.1952, ex president Nasser died and Sadat took over the powers as a nominated vice president, he was never elected, people approved his presidency following the approval of the assembly general, some happened with Mubarak, who assumed presidency powers following the assassination of ex-president Sadat, once again no elections just assembly general approval with a simple Yes/No this was the tradition since Nasser become the president following the liberty officers who did the revolution of July 23rd. In other words the liberty assembly officers or the assembly general they were proposing a specific person for president a Yes or No will do the task. Yes, meant you’ve got a president, and on the other hand no could lead to troubles; first you had to find an alternative president till this happens the president you rejected remains in power and he could revenge for this rejection!

Ousted president Mubarak was the 1st to introduce elections -fair elections or not, it is not the point, neither on me to say history will judge- however, I rest my comparisons it this point cause since ex president Mubarak stepped down Egypt never had a president till July 4th.2013; Morsy stole the presidency sit with conspiracies local and International, he did not even respect his own oath which he repeated 3 times but never abide with any part of it, he betrayed the country and faces traitor charges, divided the country and tried to ignite sectarian conflicts and above all never respected any laws but tried to impose his own laws rebuilding a monocracy constitutional law that every one said was taking Egypt to worst ever known dictatorship era!

The fact that since last presidential elections of ex-president Mubarak we never had real free elections where the people freely decide what they want, last stolen elections the trend was NO for a president with military background?! I’m really astonished for that I wonder, what is wrong with a person who was in the army, he is not a human being anymore. True we had bad memories with Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak however, they were human beings subjects to wrong doing, and Egyptian people participated in these errors with passivity, coward acceptance, or jumping on the occasion for personal profits! And no doubts with all of the errors we had lots of benefits as well! 

The difference today is we the people of Egypt, actively participated to freely choose a president in presidential elections! True there were only 2 candidates but nobody was prevented from being a candidate, the other point is the people that rejected both candidates were way more that the supporters of the second candidate with all due respect to him; this means there is still a noticeable amount of people mainly young people still see a civilian president is a mast, but let me ask them a simple question, having the military service a national duty on everyman in this country unless exempted for health or other legal grounds, this means no man in Egypt should dream of becoming a president?

Until I get a satisfactory answer I resume my notes on this memorial day, when our respectful president Adly Mansour, who lead the country through one of the worst periods of Egypt, gave the leadership to the newly elected president willingly, joyfully and happy to stand back backing up our new president Abd El Fatah El Sisi! 

Sirs, ex-president Adly Mansour thank you for your efforts we love you a respect you forever, new-president Abd El Fatah El Sisi welcome on board we love you too as for the respect will stay as far as you fulfil your role you listen to your people and you quickly reject errors and try to correct mistakes you as a human being might fall into them! 

May God help you achieve the goals of the people who trusted you and gain the trust of those who rejected you just for your military background or those who rejected you for no obvious reasons. The responsibility is huge, and we know you need all the help you can get so your people will be on the level of responsibility they put you to face, may God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians.