• 23:43
  • Monday ,09 June 2014

Pro-MB students protest at Al-Azhar University


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,09 June 2014

Pro-MB students protest at Al-Azhar University

Pro-Muslim Brotherhood students at Al-Azhar University in Nasr City, Cairo, protested Sunday against the inauguration Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as new president of Egypt.Pro-Muslim Brotherhood students at Al-Azhar University in Nasr City, Cairo, protested Sunday against the inauguration Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as new president of Egypt.

The students held yellow balloons that read anti-police and anti-military slogans.
In related news, exams went regular at 22 faculties of Azhar University
Sisi was sworn in before the Supreme Constitutional Court on Sunday morning before he headed to the Ettihadeya Presidential Palace for an inauguration ceremony.
The Presidential Elections Commission announced last week that Sisi had garnered 96.7 of eligible votes in the 2014 presidential elections.