• 08:25
  • Thursday ,29 May 2014

A Campaign to liberate a Sudanese woman

Naim Youssef

Top Stories


Wednesday ,28 May 2014

A Campaign to liberate a Sudanese woman

A number of activists launched a campaign to save Mariam, the Sudanese doctor, from the Sudanese court decision of excecution. Mariam was sentenced to excecution beceause she left Islam. The people who signed the campaign said, "We are denouncing the resolution of the court, and we are asking the Sudanese government to cancel their verdict immediately."A number of activists launched a campaign to save Mariam, the Sudanese doctor, from the Sudanese court decision of excecution. Mariam was sentenced to excecution beceause she left Islam. The people who signed the campaign said, "We are denouncing the resolution of the court, and we are asking the Sudanese government to cancel their verdict immediately."

The group are also asking the international community to put pressure on the Sudanese government to cancel the resolution and to liberate the woman. 

The group added that, "we have to do out best to stop this disaster against humanity that is happening in Sudan, and nobody can agree with this." 

