• 00:39
  • Tuesday ,27 May 2014

Pope visits Jerusalem holy sites on last day in Middle East

By BBC News

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,27 May 2014

Pope visits Jerusalem holy sites on last day in Middle East
Pope Francis has visited the most important holy sites for Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem's Old City on the final day of his Middle East tour.
At the al-Aqsa mosque compound, the Pope urged people of all religions to "work together for justice and peace".
He then prayed at the Western Wall, which lies just beneath it, bowing his head as he touched the stones.
The pontiff has been feted by Israel and the Palestinians, and has invited their presidents to the Vatican.
Both Israel's Shimon Peres and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas have given a positive response.
'Brothers and sisters'
Pope Francis began the third day of his trip by visiting the compound, considered the third holiest site in Islam.
Known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) and Jews as the Temple Mount, the status of the site is one of the most contentious issues in the Israel-Palestinian conflict .