• 00:47
  • Monday ,26 May 2014

'Cairo Statement' urges revolutionaries to unite against 'post-coup' Egypt

By Ahram Online

Home News


Monday ,26 May 2014

'Cairo Statement' urges revolutionaries to unite against 'post-coup' Egypt
Three independent political figures known for their opposition to the army's intervention in Islamist president Mohamed Morsi's ouster and the subsequent violent crackdown against his supporters issued a statement on Saturday calling for unity and a return to the ideals of the 25 January 2011 uprising.
In the document, titled "Cairo Statement", the signatories called for "unification to regain the January 25 revolution" and a return to the "democratic path, away from the counter-revolution and oppression".
Speaking to Ahram Online, poet, activist and one of the statement's signers Abdel-Rahman Youssef explained that the document is not offering solutions but is rather an invitation for dialogue among "revolutionaries" with the purpose of forming a committee to find answers for Egypt's current situation.
While the invitation for dialogue is open to anyone, Youssef stressed that the offer excludes "those who have blood on their hands".
"It will be hard for those who stand in the same square with the coup d'état to join us, as we are only on the side of those who see 3 July as a coup against the 25 January revolution," he added.
Islamists and those against Morsi's removal have consistently refused to acknowledge the mass protests that led to his ouster last summer, accusing the military of staging a coup that sabotaged democracy.
The Cairo Statement was also signed by Seif Abdel-Fattah, a former aide to Morsi, and Ibrahim Yousry, a former diplomat.
The document is not the first of its kind. Two weeks ago, a number of pro-Morsi political forces unveiled in a press conference in Brussels what they dubbed a "charter of principles" to reclaim the 25 January uprising, urging "revolutionary forces" to rally behind the document.
The Brussels document was reportedly endorsed by some individuals from the National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL), the largest Islamist coalition that backs Morsi. It was also seen as an alternative to the NASL, distancing itself from the alliance's "Islamist character" in an attempt to encourage non-Islamist activists and politicians to join its ranks.
However, Youssef says their document is different "because it was issued from Cairo and by figures who are independent from any political party or group".
The 43-year old poet says that no talks have been held with the NASL until now, adding that the signatories have not put forward any conditions for the talks, like Morsi's reinstatement – a key demand of the ousted president's supporters.
"We did talk with April 6 and a number of the January 25 youth and there is preliminary acceptance," said Youssef.
However, spokesman of April 6 Youth Movement Mohamed Kamal told Ahram Online that his group has not issued any decision on the Cairo Statement.
"This initiative is nothing but a theoretical one and hence does not concern us," said Kamal, adding that his April 6 does not coordinate with any forces except the Way of the Revolution Front.
The now-outlawed youth movement, a staunch opponent of Morsi, has remained critical of interim authorities and their crackdown on Islamists.
In December, after two of its members were sentenced to jail for illegal protesting, the group announced that it no longer supported the road map implemented after Morsi's ouster, saying the interim phase "lacked transitional justice".