• 08:50
  • Friday ,23 May 2014

Coptic churches promises no support for any presidential candidates

Gergis Wahib

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Friday ,23 May 2014

Coptic churches promises no support for any presidential candidates


Leaders of the three Churches in Beni Suef announced they are not going to support any of the two presidential candidates, and just let the people decide. Father Bakhom Ateyya, priest of St. George Coptic Orthodox Church, said that each person should decide on his own and vote for whoever he thinks is the best candidate. The church should only encourage its people to cast their votes, he added.

Rev. Hani Moussa, pastor of the Evangelical community in Beni Suef, said that Coptic people can decide for themselves and choose the best candidate. We do trust our people and only encourage them to participate actively. Leaders of the Coptic Churches agreed in their meeting today not to support any of the presidential candidates and only encourage their congregation to cast their votes.