• 23:36
  • Friday ,23 May 2014

Pro-Muslim Brotherhood students protest at Cairo, Alexandria universities


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,23 May 2014

Pro-Muslim Brotherhood students protest at Cairo, Alexandria universities

The police closed off the intersection between al-Nahda and Mourad streets leading to Giza Square to traffic on Thursday following clashes with Cairo University pro-Muslim Brotherhood students. The students threw fireworks and empty bottles at the security forces before they returned on campus to hold a vigil for the their deceased colleague Eslam Ghanem. Ghanem was killed on Tuesday in clashes between the pro-Muslim Brotherhood students and security forces. Pro-Muslim Brotherhood students meanwhile at Alexandria University staged a march, Thursday, the final day in exams, calling for boycotting the presidential elections scheduled for 26 and 27 May. The students chanted anti-police and anti-military slogans and chanted against former Defense Minister and presidential hopeful Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The security forces were stationed at the university to prevent the march from moving outside the university gates.