• 00:44
  • Friday ,23 May 2014

Egypt cabinet annuls Morsi pardon decrees


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,23 May 2014

Egypt cabinet annuls Morsi pardon decrees

The Egyptian cabinet passed on Thursday a law presented by the interim president to annul the pardon decrees issued by ousted president Mohamed Morsi during his tenure. According to the draft law proposed by interim president Adly Mansour pardon decrees issued by ousted Mohamed Morsi from June 2012 to 3 July 2013 will be annulled. Ousted Islamist President Mohamed Morsi has been accused by critics of issuing pardons to imprisaoned Jihadists involved in Islamist militant groups. On 26 July 2012, then President Mohamed Morsi issued a presidential pardoning 27 Islamists including 18 Jihadists accused of participating in the attempted assasination of Mubarak in 1996.