• 01:03
  • Friday ,16 May 2014

International Brotherhood organization uses Hamdeen to return

Asasi Abdul Hamid

Article Of The Day


Friday ,16 May 2014

International Brotherhood organization uses Hamdeen to return

If Hamdeen Sabahi wins the upcoming presidential elections on May 26-27, 2014, will he fulfill his promises towards the Muslim Brotherhood to empower them to return to the political scene and gradually restore power in Egypt?

I guess he won’t as many indications point out that Sabahi won’t get more than 15% of the total votes.
Knowing they won’t have place in the political scene under the regime of al-Sisi, the Muslim Brotherhood finds Hamdeen Sabahi a much better option, and therefore they may decide to support him.
Sabahi is a good chance for the Muslim Brotherhood in order to return to power and play actively on the political platform, and continue their plan to destroy Egypt. 
I wonder what happened in secret between Hamdeen and the Muslim Brotherhood! It’s amazing that Hamdeen knows that his party won’t give him more than 5 percent of votes. Then, he needs 46% of the votes from the Muslim Brotherhood in order to win. Will they give him their votes? 
Will he fulfill his promises towards them? Will the Muslim Brotherhood overcome the Salafists who became better players and more trustworthy by Saudi Arabia and decided to support al-Sisi in the elections?