• 00:31
  • Tuesday ,15 April 2014

Will Your Legacy Live On?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,16 April 2014

Will Your Legacy Live On?
Lately, all we've been hearing about are the murders, the violence, and the destruction of the civilization in Egypt. Families are struggling to remain optimistic in a country they will never let go of or give up on, which in my opinion, is completely mistaken. 
Although that may not make sense, I would like to discuss the impact the current events, and current outlooks have for our future. If you were to ask any Egyptian, "Which country is the best in the world?" everyone would answer, "Egypt." This answer can be explained for 1 of 2 reasons. The first reason being, they are unbelievably wealthy, who have servants to work for them night and day. The second being, they are too proud and deluded to recognize the truth. 
This may sound a bit harsh, but think about it. There is nothing that remains in Egypt that is admirable, or awe inspiring. It is unsafe for any tourists, buildings and lives are being demolished, and terrorists are taking over. Egypt is a torn country where there will literally be a civil war before peace is restored. Furthermore, even when peace is finally restored, 10, 20 years from now, there are still the unacceptable issues of inequality of the genders, sexual abuse among the streets in mid-daylight, and unbelievable poverty as a result of a lacking educational, political, religious, and economical systems within the country. 
What makes being an "Egyptian" so special? Is it the place you live in, or is it the traditions and culture you've become accustomed to? Being Egyptian isn't about being in Egypt, it's about planning for the future generations to continue living the legacy that Egyptians today are so proud of. 
A recent study shows that nearly 25,000 Egyptians immigrate to the United States, Europe, and Canada every year. That may not seem like much, but that there amounts to about a million over 40 years. You may be thinking, "With the Egyptian population, we can spare one million." If you think that, also take into your consideration that the people immigrating are most probably the wealthy, educated, socially connected Egyptians, which dangerously affects the economy. 
I think it's time for all Egyptians to consider the future of their families. Do you want your children growing up in a place that is ruled by an Islamic government? A place where your religion is stated on your i.d. card? A place where your daughter, God forbid, gets abused by dirty men? Since when is it ok to sacrifice the safety of human beings? Since when is it ok to live in a place that doesn't respect your freedom to chose? Since when is it ok to raise a family in a place where terrorists explode the very church you take your children to? It's time for Egyptians to stop being selfish about their country, and start being selfish about their heritage. If Egyptians don't wake up and try to preserve the ancient Egyptian image that the whole world has come to love and know, there will be nothing but a burned country left. 
Being Egyptian is a great honour, being in Egypt, however, is a great tragedy.