• 00:09
  • Friday ,04 April 2014

Sabahi trends and Sisi views

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,05 April 2014

Sabahi trends and Sisi views

It seems as though, Sabahi, a hopeful candidate for the presidential election, is trying to repeat the same agenda and use the same tone as the ex-president Abd Al Naser. I agree that Sabahi and many other candidates should run for the presidential election so we can have a fair and democratic election, but candidates have to have new trends and new thoughts. 


Sabahi wants to run Egypt with the same appraoch that was taken 50 years ago, and that will not work at all. To be able to achieve social justice doesn’t mean to repeat the same policies applied 50 years ago. My advice is that Sabahi needs to change his tone because people will be so much fond of that tone. 
Furthermore, even until now at the present time, Sisi also hasn't shown any policies or programs. Everything we read on the internet is that he meets this group or that group. Unfortunately, I don’t think that will be enough to convince the Egyptians to elect Sisi. 
Egyptians need more details about how Sisi will face the problems that Egypt suffers from. Problems such as economic related problems like electricity, unemployment, housing, tourism, security and many other nonending issues.
Every candidates should also clarify and predict when they will be able to solve each problem, because I don’t think Egyptians will be ready to wait for another 4 years until they can feel secure. So without a clear agenda I don’t think any of the candidates will be able to succeed in convincing the Egyptian citizens that he is the right person for this crucial time.